MISys Manufacturing for Aerospace and Defense

Aerospace and Defense manufacturers are typically held to a high degree of traceability by the appropriate regulatory agencies like the DoD, which primarily governs ITAR, alongside industry standards like AS9100 and ISO 9001. MISys can help with things such as where did raw materials come from, what was the lot number of the received goods from the supplier, what lot or serial numbers were applied within any specific assembly (serial) or range of product assemblies (lot), and what other builds over time used the same lots or range of serial numbers. Although serial/lot tracking is a demanding discipline, it is much easier than finding the appropriate information without such a system in place. Aerospace and Defense manufacturers also require solid quality steps throughout production, and need to be able to quickly research what occurred within any production run.

We've looked at our Aerospace / Defense manufacturing customers and found that they typically require the following MISys Manufacturing software modules (see below). Of course YOU are the ultimate configurator! Your company might have size needs and unique process that require additional functionality, but this is a great place to start considering your requirements.


module_icon_smallBasic Manufacturing

Basic Manufacturing is the starting point for Aerospace / Defense manufacturers. It is the core of MISys Manufacturing software and will allow you to manage inventory levels of raw material and work in progress (WIP). Use multi-level bills of material (BOM), revise BOMs, conduct physical inventory cycle counting, and process production work orders.

Learn more MISys Inventory | Request a Demo

module_icon_smallAdvanced Purchasing

Include Advanced Purchasing functionality to analyze material shortages and automatically create all of the purchase orders needed to replenish inventory.

Learn more Advanced Purchasing | Request Demo

module_icon_smallMaterial Requirements Planning

Often aerospace and defense manufacturers drive their Master Production Schedule via forecast or contract specifications over time, so being able to use the MISys MRP scheduling functionality allows users to comfortably plan not only their purchasing requirements but also their sub-assembly production requirements as well as far into the future as indicated.

Learn more MRP: Material Requirements Planning | Request Demo

module_icon_smallSerial / Lot Tracking

Whether it’s the FAA, DOD or BATF, the main reason to conduct a sound policy of serial and lot tracking is because you must. And if you must, you might as well do it the right way, with multi-level bi-directional traceability – where did it come from, where did it go, and what else went into the final top level finished goods.

Learn more Serial Lot Tracking | Request Demo