MISys Manufacturing Integration with Sage 300 (Accpac) FAQ
What versions of Sage Accpac is MISys Manufacturing compatible with?
MISys Manufacturing 6.4 can convert data from MISys SAE version 5.4, 5.5, 5.6. MISys Manufacturing 6.4 is compatible with existing version Sage 300 (formerly Sage Accpac) as well as one version prior. For current information, please refer to MISys Manufacturing Supported Accounting Packages (PDF).
How does MISys Manufacturing integrate with Sage 300?
MISys Manufacturing uses the Sage 300 .NET Libraries for direct interaction between the two products. Although this is different than the way MISys SAE interfaces with Sage 300, MISys Manufacturing still utilizes the Sage 300 business logic to update any data in Sage 300 module tables instead of modifying any data directly.
Does Sage 300 have to be on the same computer that MISys Manufacturing is installed and running on?
A copy of Sage 300 must be installed and have a valid license on the same computer that any MISys Manufacturing client being used to perform Sage 300 integration operations is installed on and running from. Sage 300 does not have to be installed on the MISys Manufacturing Server computer unless the Client and Server are on the same PC.
How many Sage 300 Lanpak licenses are required?
The MISys Manufacturing interface to Sage 300 consumes a single Lanpak license when connecting Sage 300. Additional Lanpak licenses are NOT required for additional MISys Manufacturing users.
How do General Ledger Accounts map between MISys Manufacturing and Sage 300?
In order for Sales Transfers and Period End to keep proper accounting in Sage 300, all MISys Manufacturing GL Accounts referenced in any MISys Manufacturing Account Set must exist in Sage 300 (they must have exactly the same name and number). The default set of GL Accounts that MISys Manufacturing creates with any new company database are designed to be compatible with Sage 300 – they either correspond to standard Sage 300 GL Accounts or are non-interfering (aren’t normally created by Sage 300). MISys Manufacturing provides a facility to check and automatically create any needed GL Accounts in Sage 300.
Note that MISys Manufacturing does not support segmented accounts. MISys Manufacturing does have job, item and location overlays but they are mutually exclusive.
MISys Manufacturing does not provide for customization of sub-ledger header and detail information formats. For those familiar with MISys SAE, MISys Manufacturing creates the same pertinent data in the ledger entries as the default setup for the sub-ledger header and detail in MISys SAE.
How do Sage 300 Inventory Items map to MISys Manufacturing Inventory Items?
MISys Manufacturing Inventory Items (referred to as Mfg Inventory items), including both parts and assembled items, can be mapped to Sage 300 Inventory Items (referred to as Sales Inventory Items), including both Inventory Parts and Inventory Assemblies. The item names do not have to have the same name. MISys Manufacturing can create this mapping by either Importing one or more Sage 300 Items into MISys Manufacturing, exporting one or more MISys Manufacturing Items into Sage 300, or by mapping MISys Manufacturing Items to existing Sage 300 items. For importing and exporting, MISys Manufacturing requires the user to select a template item (in Sage 300 for exporting or in MISys Manufacturing for importing) which facilitates setting standard item properties such as reorder levels, accounts to use, parent item, etc. when new items are created.
How do I transfer finished manufactured items from MISys Manufacturing to Sage 300?
There are several facilities within MISys Manufacturing that allow automated transfer of completed manufactured items to the Sage 300 Sales Inventory. You can use MISys Manufacturing’s ‘Replenish Sales Inventory’ function to automatically detect shortages in Sage 300 based on either Sage 300 Zero, On Order, Minimum, Reorder, or Maximum levels for one or more items and transfer them from MISys Manufacturing to Sage 300. You can also use MISys Manufacturing Direct Stock Sales Transfers to transfer user specified quantities of a MISys Manufacturing Mfg Inventory Item (including part types or assembled types) to Sage 300 Sales Inventory. A third way is to use the ‘Transfer to Sales’ function for a MISys Manufacturing Work Order or Manufacturing Order to automatically transfer the orders completed assemblies.
All of the above transfers to Sage 300 ERP are facilitated in the same way from the accounting perspective. They can either be setup to utilize IC item adjustments or receipts.
If the IC item adjustment is used, each transfer to sales is a quantity and cost increase adjustment while a transfer from sales is a quantity and cost decrease adjustment. In a transfer to sales the quantity and cost adjustment will debit the IC item ‘Inventory Asset’ account and credit the ‘Sales Transfer Control’ account. While a transfer from sales will credit the IC item ‘Inventory Asset’ account and debit the ‘Sales Transfer Control’ account.
If the IC item receipt is used, each transfer to sales is a receipt into IC while a transfer from sales is a return. In a transfer to sales the IC Receipt will debit the IC item ‘Inventory Asset’ account and credit the ‘Payables Clearing’ account. While a transfer from sales will credit the item ‘Inventory Asset’ account and debit the ‘Payables Clearing’ account.
A subsequent Period End balances the accounts by debiting the ‘Sales Transfer Control’ account. Therefore, in the case of the IC Receipt transaction, the Payables Clearing account for the IC item should be aligned to the MISys Manufacturing Sales Transfer Control account.
Can I create MISys Manufacturing Work Orders or Manufacturing Orders from Sage 300 Sales Orders?
You can use MISys Manufacturing’s ‘Process Sales Orders’ facility to create linked MISys Manufacturing Production Work Orders or Manufacturing Orders automatically for any user specified range of Sales Order dates.
Can I transfer MISys Manufacturing Manufactured Items to Sage 300 based on Sage 300 On Order levels?
If you don’t need to link Sales Orders to Work Orders or Manufacturing Orders, or you just need to build to order without linking to a specific Sales order, you can use MISys Manufacturing’s ‘Replenish Sales Inventory’ function to automatically detect shortages in Sage 300 based on Sage 300 ‘On Order’ levels for one or more items.
How do I coordinate MISys Manufacturing Purchase Order transactions (e.g. item receipts) with invoicing in Sage 300?
To facilitate common vendor/supplier information, MISys Manufacturing can import Vendors from Sage 300 as MISys Manufacturing suppliers.
When you do a PO item receipt in MISys Manufacturing, MISys Manufacturing creates Period End sub-ledger records that refer to the PO Number and Supplier name to facilitate coordination with invoices entered in Sage 300. Specifically, the MISys Manufacturing sub-ledger entry for a PO receipt charges the associated cost for the item on the PO and the variance to the item cost in general ledger accounts as determined in the interface configuration. A PO Receipt debits the ‘Inventory Asset’ account for the quantity received times the item cost and credits the ‘PO Liability’ account to the extended price on the PO. The variance between the item cost and purchase price is tallied in the ‘Purchase Price Variance’ account.
MISys Manufacturing also provides the capability to Invoice against a PO Receipt. When you perform a PO Invoice operation in MISys Manufacturing, an AP Invoice Batch entry is automatically created in Sage 300 with the payee set to the correct Vendor for the PO. MISys Manufacturing credits the Accounts Payable account in Sage 300 for the extended price which is offset by a debit to the ‘PO Receipt Control’ account. If the Automatically Post Invoice Batches checkbox is checked in the MISys Manufacturing company options, the resulting AP Batch will be posted immediately.
Note that after performing both a PO Invoice and then a Period End, the ‘PO Receipt Control’ account will have been zeroed.
Does MISys Manufacturing support use of Sage 300 Vendor Terms?
Yes, MISys Manufacturing sets the Supplier terms as defined in the Sage 300 AP Vendor when Vendors are imported to MISys Manufacturing. In addition, when a PO is invoiced, the Sage 300 Invoice Batch created will have the terms filled in from the Sage 300 AP Vendor. Note that the Terms field provided in MISys Manufacturing for POs, is copied from the default terms for the specified Supplier, and can be changed by the user, but is only used for PO printing. For those familiar with MISys SAE, the use of terms in MISys Manufacturing and SAE is handled exactly the same way. If the Automatically Post Invoice Batches checkbox is checked in the MISys Manufacturing, the user can bring up the Invoice Batch in Sage 300 if the terms need to be changed prior to posting.
Does MISys Manufacturing support use of the multi-currency capability of Sage 300?
Yes, with MISys Manufacturing 4.0 or later you can create POs to Suppliers/Vendors that use a different currency from the ‘home’ currency. For example, if the ‘home’ currency in both MISys Manufacturing and Sage 300 is set for U.S. Dollars, you can create a PO to purchase items from a supplier/vendor that uses Canadian Dollars as their currency. In order to use multi-currency, both MISys Manufacturing and Sage 300 must have multi-currency turned on (it’s off by default in Sage 300) and they must use the same home (functional) currency.
With multi-currency capability enabled, MISys Manufacturing currencies and rates are automatically added and updated from Sage 300 ERP whenever the user views the list of currencies in MISys Manufacturing, imports any Sage 300 vendors into MISys Manufacturing suppliers, or when MISys Manufacturing needs to create a Sage 300 vendor during Period End if the transactions include a PO Invoice. MISys Manufacturing will properly set the currency for any imported Suppliers from Sage 300. PO Invoices created in Sage 300 will use amounts and tax amounts in source currency of the PO.
Can I track manufacturing activities by Jobs in Sage 300?
MISys Manufacturing uses its ‘job’ records to track manufacturing activities only. There is no integration with the Sage 300 Jobs capability.
Can I coordinate Serial/Lot Tracking information with Sage 300?
Yes. MISys Manufacturing will create proper Serial/Lot tracking records in Sage 300 when Items are transferred to Sage 300 Sales inventory. With the release of Sage Accpac 5.6, Items in Sage 300 can be defined to either require pre-assignment of Serial/Lot numbers before transactions like Inventory Adjustments or Item Receipts, or to allow the Serial/Lot numbers to be assigned after the transfer has been completed. In Sage Accpac 5.6 or later, when the Item setting 'Allow Serial Quantity to be Different from Quantity in the Entries' is checked, Serial numbers do not have to be pre-assigned. All Serialized Items worked this way in versions of Sage Accpac prior to 5.6. If the setting is unchecked, the Serial numbers for the entire quantity of Items being transferred must be defined before the transaction is completed. Accpac 5.6 Lot Tracked Items are handled in a similar way, with the setting named 'Allow Lot Quantity to be Different from Quantity in the Entries'.
Can MISys Manufacturing automatically create or export Vendors to Sage 300?
No. Sage 300 Vendors have many properties that are required and are not provided in MISys Manufacturing Suppliers. For this reason all required Vendors must be created in Sage 300 prior to doing any PO or Supplier related transactions, including Period End after any Item has been received or a PO is invoiced. An error message is shown indicating that the Vendor is missing if the required vendor isn’t present in Sage 300 when attempting to do one of these transactions.